NFT Lending
I will give you 3 Doubloons to borrow that bottle of rum... I'll give it back half full
NFT DeFi Lending protocols allow Liquid Capital to fund lending requests in SOL to borrowers looking to leverage their NFT for their short-term liquidity needs. We currently utilize Rainfi/Frakt/Sharkyfi to seek lending opportunities for our funds allocated to the lending side of our portfolio. Generally speaking, we target a loan to value ratio of between 50-75% of the floor value of an NFT, which is based on several factors, including overall loans held, quality of the NFT collection (collateral), potential fees and [individual lender ratings]. Through these lending activities the eventual outcome is either: a) the borrower pays back the loan and we earn a fee; or (b) the borrower defaults and Liquid Capital acquires the collateralized NFT at a significant discount. Defaulted NFTs will be sold at a reasonable price to return the original funds lent and attempt to make a modest profit on the sale.
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